NSW Maritime has issued a warning to boaters to take extra care on
NSW South Coast waterways in the aftermath of heavy rain.
NSW Maritime chief executive Steve Dunn said rains in the Illawarra Region had compromised the system of navigation aids from the Illawarra Region south to the Bega Valley Shire.
“The heavy rains
will have forced a number of navigation marker buoys off-station,” Dunn explained.
“There is potential for navigation markers to be missing or dislodged and that means hazards may be unmarked.
“Skippers are advised to take extra care when navigating in this area whilst
NSW Maritime Boating Safety Officers carry out inspections,” he said.
NSW Maritime manages the system of safe navigation markers across the State including thousands of markers
and buoys,
and 13 lighthouses
along the coast.
Dunn said skippers should wait for flood waters to subside and only resume boating once it is safe to do so.
“All skippers are responsible for the safety of their boat and the people onboard, so keep a proper lookout and keep to a speed that is safe for the conditions,” he said.
Navigation aids are the traffic safety signage for our waterways, any reports of damaged, misplaced or missing markers should be called through to NSW Maritime by phoning 131 256 as quickly as possible.
Once all navigation marks have been checked, NSW Maritime will issue an all-clear.
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