NEWS ALERT — NSW Maritime’s heavy-swell warning

NEWS ALERT - NSW Maritime's heavy-swell warning

The heavy ocean swells off the NSW coast this week are a reminder to all skippers to always check the conditions before heading offshore, NSW Maritime chief executive Steve Dunn said on Wednesday.

Dunn reminded boaters to be aware of the dangers of capsizing crossing coastal bars and when fishing on bomboras and shallow coastal reefs.

“Long-period swells from storms thousands of kilometres away can turn into large waves with absolutely no warning, even on what can appear to be a glassy, calm sea,” said Dunn.

“We’ve had two incidents this week, where large seas have swamped boats, at Swansea Bar at Lake Macquarie and on the South Coast.

“Two people aboard a 5.2m Stacer open runabout capsized on Monday on Swansea Bar, and four men were rescued on Sunday after their vessel was swamped on a bombora at Bellambi on the South Coast.

“Fortunately, no one was injured in either incident but it’s an important reminder to be wary on open seas — and to remember the importance of lifejackets.

“Boaters must wear a lifejacket when crossing ocean bars, when in ocean waters and at heightened risk. Children under 12 must wear a lifejacket at all times,” he said.

Dunn said accident statistics clearly show small vessels are riskier and more likely to capsize than larger vessels, particularly in open waters.
“It’s difficult to get back onboard a boat once you're in the water, or after capsizing. So it’s better to be safe and wear a lifejacket,” he said.