NEWS - A new wharf for Milsons Point

News - A New Wharf For Milsons Point

NSW Minister for Ports and Waterways, Paul McLeay said Sydney’s Milsons Point ferry wharf would be closed until October and commuters were being advised to use the Jeffreys Street wharf, 400m to the east, during the upgrade period. 

“The Keneally Government is committed to making sure the public commuter wharves on Sydney Harbour are well designed, functional and accessible for all,” McLeay said.

“Sydney Harbour’s 49 commuter wharves carry high traffic ? more than 14 million passengers use them to catch Sydney Ferries each year.

“It’s vital to ensure they meet the needs and demands of the public, such as having disabled access.

“That is why the Milsons Point wharf is being upgraded. It’s the first step in our multi-million dollar 12-year Sydney Harbour Wharf Upgrade Program,” McLeay said.

The $4.6 million upgrade at Milsons Point is the first wharf major upgrade under this program. It is expected to be completed by October.

The Upgrade Program involves Circular Quay and most suburban commuter wharves.

The main objectives of the Program include:
* The upgrade of passenger facilities to meet increasing public needs and expectations;
* The incorporation of current disabled access standards; and,
* The creation of a functional and distinctive design for Sydney Harbour wharves and the ferry commuter system.

NSW Maritime last week began working with Sydney Ferries to alert the public of the upgrade, including a letter box drop around Milsons Point, fliers at Circular Quay and on ferries, with posters and signage on ferries and wharves.

To check timetables or other transport options phone Transport Info on 131 500 or visit

For more details on the project, including artist impressions visit

Photos: Artist impression of the Milsons Point ferry wharf from the water; Artist impression of the new wharf from Milsons Point.