The SCIBS crew (left to right): Johan Hasser, Harry Davis, and newly appointed sales manager Elysia

New sales manager for Sanctuary Cove 2015 boat show

MULPHA, the company that organises the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show, has appointed a new sales manager for the 2015 boat show.

Elysia Billingham joins the team in the new role while SCIBS head of events, Johan Hasser, has been appointed SCIBS general manager and head of marketing and events.

Sanctuary Cove executive general manager, Keith Allardice, said Elysia Billingham and Johan Hasser will perform key roles in the 2015 boat show.

Johan Hasser said he was looking forward to his new role and was pleased to welcome Elysia Billingham to the sales team. She joins founding SCIBS members Harry Davis and Barry Jenkins. 

“Elysia brings more than 13 years of experience in sales and retail management to the team, working for major brands across Australia,” Hasser said.

The 2015 Sanctuary Cove Boat Show is now in its 27th year.

Visit sanctuarycoveboatshow or call +617 5577 6011 to apply or register as a boat show exhibitor.