NEWS - AIMEX says Enterprise Connect seminars a success
The Australian International Marine Export Group (AIMEX) will pass on feedback to the Federal Government from 10 recently conducted national seminars designed to help the marine industry manage its way through the Global Financial Crisis.
AIMEX said the seminars were part of the Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect program and focused on providing support to marine industry businesses to help them thrive and survive in these economically turbulent times.
More than 150 people attended the seminars and, according to AIMEX, took away valuable information on export strategies and opportunities, finance, marketing, sales, developing networks and strategies to improve overall business performance. An Enterprise Connect representative attended each seminar and offered additional information to members about their services.
AIMEX chief executive, MaryAnne Edwards, said: “These seminars were a great initiative by Enterprise Connect, with their programs offering practical support to the marine industry, which is a significant contributor to the Australian economy with exports alone now totaling over $1.2 billion. AIMEX continues to work with both State and Federal governments to provide these valuable opportunities to members.
“The feedback from the seminars has been extremely positive as the marine industry has been hard hit by the global economic crisis and most companies are reviewing every aspect of their business to remain competitive and survive.” Edwards went on to say.
The seminars were run by Tony Karabatsas from Madison Cross, a consulting firm based in Melbourne.
AIMEX said the feedback from the seminars will be presented to the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science & Research to ensure the Federal Government understands the issues facing the marine industry.
Enterprise Connect
is a $271
million program that aims to help
Australian small and medium-sized enterprises acquire the knowledge, tools, and expertise to help them become more innovative, efficient and competitive.